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How to Make Korean Traditional Dish: Oi Naengguk (Chilled Cucumber Soup)

by 꼼꼼한 수수파파 2024. 6. 11.

How to Make Korean Traditional Dish: Oi Naengguk (Chilled Cucumber Soup)

When the summer heat becomes unbearable, Korean cuisine offers a variety of refreshing dishes to cool you down. One of the simplest and most invigorating is Oi Naengguk, or chilled cucumber soup. This traditional Korean dish is quick to prepare and perfect for a hot day. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making this refreshing and healthy dish at home.

- 1 large cucumber
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 cups cold water
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
- 1 green onion, finely chopped
- Ice cubes (optional)
- Crushed red pepper (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Preparing the Cucumber
1) Wash and Slice: Start by washing the cucumber thoroughly. Slice it into thin matchstick pieces or julienne strips. The thinner the slices, the better the texture will be in the soup.
2) Salt the Cucumber: Place the cucumber slices in a bowl and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix well and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. This will help draw out excess moisture and make the cucumber more flavorful.

2. Making the Broth
1) Mix the Broth Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine 2 cups of cold water with 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar, and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Stir until the sugar is fully dissolved.
2) Add Garlic and Green Onion: Mince one clove of garlic and finely chop one green onion. Add these to the broth mixture and stir well.
3) Season and Chill: Taste the broth and adjust the seasoning as needed. You can add a bit more soy sauce for saltiness or more vinegar for tanginess. Once seasoned to your liking, place the broth in the refrigerator to chill for about 20 minutes.

3. Combining and Serving
1) Drain the Cucumber: After the cucumber has sat with the salt, drain any excess liquid and gently squeeze out the remaining moisture. This will keep the soup from becoming too watery.
2) Mix Cucumber and Broth: Add the salted cucumber slices to the chilled broth. Stir to combine all the ingredients well.
3) Garnish: Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds on top for added flavor and texture. For an extra refreshing touch, add a few ice cubes to the bowl. If you like a bit of heat, sprinkle some crushed red pepper over the top.

4. Serving and Enjoying
1) Serve Immediately: Oi Naengguk is best served cold, so enjoy it immediately after combining the cucumber and broth. The crispness of the cucumber and the cool, savory broth make it an ideal dish for hot weather.
2) Adjust to Taste: Feel free to adjust the flavors to your preference. Some people enjoy a touch more sweetness or acidity, so experiment with the sugar and vinegar amounts until you find your perfect balance.

Tips and Variations
-Add Seaweed: For an added layer of flavor and texture, you can include some soaked and chopped seaweed (miyeok) in the soup.
-Use Different Vinegars: If you don't have rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar or white vinegar can be good substitutes. Each will give a slightly different flavor profile.
- Experiment with Garnishes: Try adding other garnishes such as chopped chili peppers, perilla leaves, or even a touch of wasabi for a unique twist.

Oi Naengguk is a delightful and easy-to-make dish that encapsulates the essence of Korean summer cuisine. Its refreshing and light qualities make it a perfect accompaniment to any meal or a stand-alone snack. Enjoy making this traditional dish and stay cool through the summer heat! Happy cooking!
